The Call to Mission
Conference acknowledges that the Church has been constituted by
Jesus Christ for mission.
Conference declares the Church’s commitment to Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-19). This commission involves presenting Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit so that all persons should put their trust in Jesus Christ, and nurture them to grow
into mature Christians who will serve God in the world and through the Church. The Methodist Church is called to its fundamental mission “to spread Scriptural Holiness throughout the land by the proclamation of the evangelical faith”. Conference affirms the importance of ministry to the whole person, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, setting free the captives, and the transformation of the socio-economic structures (Luke 4:18-19;97The Methodist Book of Order Romans 8:21) as being integral to the mission task of the Church, and Methodism in particular.
The Structure of the Unit
The Mission Unit exists to facilitate, coordinate and support the work of Mission within the Connexion and to build partnerships with other Methodist Connexions and other ecumenical formations and NGOs. The Conference shall appoint a Director to the Unit to hold office for a five (5) year term, renewable for one (1) final term. The Director isa member of Conference and of the Connexional Executive. The Unit is made up of Desks, Field Workers and other Complimentary staff as is necessary to execute the work of the Mission Unit in relation to international mission partnerships, local faith-based organisations, disbursement of various funds, and the coordination of the work of Mission at District level.The Unit is assisted by an Advisory Board in the execution of its duties. A Bishop appointed by the Presiding Bishop chairs the meeting of the Board which consists of the Director and usually six to eight additional members appointed by the Board itself. The Board meets normally four times a year, but at least three times a year. Desk Coordinators give feedback to the Board as and when required.
District Mission Coordinators and Coordinators of District Mission Desks are appointed by Synods. The District Mission Coordinator coordinates the work of the Mission Unit in the District. The District and Desk Coordinators meet annually under the direction of the Mission Unit Director
Mission Unit Mandate
Conference directs the Mission Unit within the Presiding Bishop’s office under the leadership of the Unit Director to:
(a) promote and encourage theological reflection and study in the area of mission;
(b) stimulate and encourage theological reflection and programmes of action on issues and proposals concerning evangelism and Church growth, development and economic empowerment, spirituality, justice and service, renewal and inter-faith relations in contemporary society, and to advise the Conference and the Districts;
(c) be a channel of communication between the Districts and Connexional Executive on relevant mission matters.
The Methodist Book of Order
(d) promote research on moral and ethical issues which affect civil society and the Church;
(e) amplify the prophetic voice of the church through advocacy, lobbying and monitoring organs of civil society;
(f) network with other churches, national and international agencies which promote mission;
(g) monitor and facilitate the work of the Connexional Mission Co-ordinators.