Officers of Conference

Presiding Bishop- Rev Pumla Nzimande

Presiding Bishop- Rev Pumla Nzimande

The Presiding Bishop is the official head and chief pastor of the Church and shall exercise the powers, privileges and authority of that office subject to the directions of Conference and the laws and usages of the Church. The Presiding Bishop shall be a Minister of the Church and be elected according to the provisions of Appendix 10. The Presiding Bishop shall normally assume duty on the 1st January some 18 months after election and shall continue in the office for a five (5) year term, but is eligible for re-election for one (1) further term. He/she shall be inducted by the Presiding Bishop who most recently vacated the office and who is available.                 give spiritual leadership to the Church;                 watch over the interests of the Connexion, give counsel and guidance where necessary, and to promote within the provisions of the Laws and Discipline and Regulations the spiritual advancement of the Church and its general well-being;                 be pastor to the Bishops and the General Secretary and other persons in the Church;                 be a member of and to preside at or depute the power to preside at the Sessions of Conference, the Connexional Executive and all Connexional Committees;                 ensure the observance of the resolutions and directions of Conference and of the Connexional Executive, having authority to permit exceptions or departures;                 approve or otherwise the suspension from office or ministry of any Minister who is the subject of disciplinary procedure;                 appoint when necessary a Committee to consult and make recommendations as to the manner of dealing with questions of public importance;                 in association with the General Secretary, ordain Ministers to the Ministry of the Word and Sacraments and Deacons to the Ministry of Word an Service;                 be the Official Trustee and Vestee for the Church of all property, movable and immovable, belonging to or which may be acquired by the Church;               execute on behalf of the Church, subject to there having been compliance with all of the relevant regulations and requirements, any power of attorney or other document which may be required in connection with the acquisition, alienation, transfer or mortgage of landed property (Chapter 10);               in conjunction with the General Secretary, represent the Church in all legal proceedings instituted by or against it unless a Registrar has been appointed by the Connexional Executive;               assist or to depute someone to assist at any Synod if applied to for that purpose by the Bishop or by a majority of the Superintendents in the District;               visit any Circuit to inquire into its affairs and, in consultation with the Bishop, to redress any grievance;               exercise all other powers, privileges and authority entrusted by Conference or the Connexional Executive;               institute such processes as may be deemed necessary for the proper exercise of the Oversight Ministry implicit within the normal duties and responsibilities of the Presiding Bishop;               be the Chief Public Relations Officer who may issue statements on matters of national or global importance. In matters of public concern s/he may consult the Bishops. (Officers of Connexional Units shall communicate with the Presiding Bishop if needs be on matters which may require consideration).

5.7.2      The Presiding Bishop has the privilege and power of two members in all the acts of Conference and of the Connexional Executive.

5.7.3      In Conference, the Connexional Executive and all Connexional Committees, the Presiding Bishop shall represent and be charged with the general interests of the Connexion.

5.7.4      Should any matter arise in the interval between Conferences or meetings of the Connexional Executive for which no provision is made in Laws and Discipline or in the decisions of Conference or the Connexional Executive, and which cannot be deferred for decision by the next Conference or dealt with by the Connexional Executive without the interests of the Church or individuals concerned being prejudiced thereby, the Presiding Bishop may take any necessary action and such action shall be deemed to be the act of Conference or of the Connexional Executive and to have the full force and effect thereof. When using this power The Presiding Bishop shall at his/her sole discretion only be obliged to consult with or give a hearing to such person or persons as he/she deems necessary.

5.7.5      In the event of the death, affliction, impeachment of or inability to serve for any other reason, of the Presiding Bishop:                 the Presiding Bishop-elect shall temporarily or permanently, as the case may be, assume the office. Such extra term of office shall not be considered part of the Presiding Bishop-elect’s first term of office;                 if a Presiding Bishop-elect has not yet been elected, the General Secretary shall as soon as possible convene the Connexional Executive who shall elect an interim Presiding Bishop. The first meeting of the District Synods thereafter shall elect a Presiding Bishop who shall immediately assume the office;                 the Presiding Bishop shall designate one of the District Bishops as Acting Presiding Bishop during any period of extended absence from the Connexion;                 a properly appointed or designated substitute shall assume all the duties, powers, privileges and authority of the Presiding Bishop. A certificate by the General Secretary shall be sufficient proof of such substitute’s power to act.

5.7.6      An accusation made against the Presiding Bishop should be dealt with in terms of Chapter 11.49.

General Secretary- Rev Michel Hansrod

General Secretary- Rev Michel Hansrod

5.10 The General Secretary:

5.10.1   The General Secretary shall be a Minister and be elected by the Conference according to the provisions of Appendix 13;

5.10.2   The Secretary shall assume office on the 1st January of the year in which the term begins and continue in office for a five (5) year term, but is eligible once for re-election;

5.10.3   Should the Secretary die or become unfit to hold office, the Connexional Executive shall appoint a substitute for a period to be determined by the Connexional Executive.

5.10.4   The Secretary’s duties are inter alia:               to be a member of Conference, the Connexional Executive and all Connexional Committees;               under the direction of the Presiding Bishop, to prepare, organise and conduct the business of Conference and of the Connexional Executive;               to obtain and submit to the Connexional Executive all Reports, Statistical Returns, Recommendations, Accounts and other documents;               to receive from each District Secretary the Minutes of the Synod and the Draft of Stations in the District;               to remit the resolutions of Synods to the Conference, Connexional Executive, appropriate Units or Committees;               to prepare the obituaries of deceased Ministers for inclusion in the Connexional Yearbook;               to transmit the Resolutions of Conference and of the Connexional Executive and replies to memorials to the persons or bodies concerned;               to notify the Bishops of the business to be brought forward at the Synods;               to send notification of all matters referred to Quarterly Meetings to every Superintendent as soon as possible after Conference or the meeting of the Connexional Executive;             to give official notification to any person appointed by Conference or the Connexional Executive to any position, duty or committee;             to prepare for publication the Year Book of the Church containing inter alia the resolutions of Conference and of the Connexional Executive;             to compile the Draft of Stations for presentation to the Connexional Executive;             to be associated with the Presiding Bishop and the former Presiding Bishop in the imposition of hands at the Ordination of Ministers and Deacons;             in conjunction with the Presiding Bishop to represent the Church in all legal proceedings instituted for or against it unless a Registrar has been appointed by the Connexional Executive;             should the Presiding Bishop-Elect die or become unfit to assume office, to call on the Synods to elect the new Presiding Bishop-Elect;             to receive and deal with any accusation made against the Presiding Bishop;             to act on behalf of and instead of the Presiding Bishop in executing any power of attorney, declaration, consent, agreement or other document necessary for the purchase, lease, letting, sale or mortgage of any Church property, subject to due compliance with the relevant regulations and requirements;             to make such textual amendments to the Laws and Discipline as are rendered necessary by the resolutions of Conference;             to be the Official Correspondent of the Church;             to be the Custodian of Connexional Documents;             to prepare an index of all Connexional documents lodged in the Connexional Strong Room;             to be the Connexional Registrar of Marriages;             to discharge such other duties as Conference, the Connexional Executive or the Presiding Bishop may direct;             Conference may elect such Assistant Secretary or Secretaries as it deems necessary. Such person or persons become members of that Conference.

Lay President- Xhanti Mhlubulwana

Lay President- Xhanti Mhlubulwana

5.8.1      Conference shall elect a Lay President according to the provisions of Appendix 12. The Lay President assumes office on the 1st January after election and holds office for a term of three (3) years, up to a maximum of two (2) terms;

5.8.2      The Lay President has no executive power but shall represent the Church on ceremonial occasions either on behalf of or in addition to the Presiding Bishop. The Presiding Bishop may delegate certain duties and tasks to the Lay President;

5.8.3      The Lay President shall visit Districts and Circuits to encourage the people and, in consultation with the Presiding Bishop and with the endorsement of the Connexional Executive, may nominate a mission project to pilot while in office;

5.8.4      Should the Lay President die, resign or become unfit to continue in office the Connexional Executive shall elect a successor for the remainder of the term;

5.8.5      The Lay President is a member of Conference and of the Connexional Executive.