What is the history of Methodist Homes?
The organisation was started in 1970 and, over time, has built up a credible track record to become a major role player caring for the aged. The property portfolio is now valued at over R800 million, and this provides the major asset base of the organisation.
Methodist Homes is run on sound business principles to ensure success in an increasingly difficult environment, at all times remembering that most older people are trying to make ends meet out of fixed and often declining incomes.
What is Methodist Homes association with the Methodist Church of SA?
The company has strong links with the church, and subscribes to high moral and ethical standards in the way it conducts its business. Having said that, the company is not in any way financially supported by the church. At least 50% of our board members are members of the Methodists church, and each home has a local committee that has a representative of the Methodist Church.
Who can live at a Methodist Homes home/village?
Methodist Homes is open for occupation by residents of all races, and of all religious denominations. No unfair discriminatory practices are applied and preference is given to previously disadvantaged persons. Methodist Homes participates actively in industry associations, such as Age-In-Action (previously SA Council for the Aged), SAAHA (South African Association of Homes for the Aged), as well as various regional forums. This enables us to keep up to date with activities and trends in the industry.
What is Methodist Homes mission?
Methodist Homes mission, is to provide affordable, secure and caring accommodation and services to the elderly.
How does Methodist Homes do this?
Methodist Homes provides life right accommodation, rental units, mid and frail care services to over 2000 residents located at 15 villages and homes in the Gauteng and North-West Provinces.
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