February 1990 was a watershed in the political history of South Africa. In the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa President F.W. de Klerk announced the unbanning of the liberation movements and the release of Nelson Mandela from prison. “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with shouts of joy; then it was said among the nations ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ Great things indeed the Lord did for us and we rejoiced.” Psalm 126:1-3
The MCSA began to ask how we move from a theology of protest and of resisting apartheid oppression to sharing in South Africa’s reconstruction? From this question there flowed six calls for the MCSA:
- For deepened spirituality for all our people in the life of our church.
- That the life and work of the church be directed towards mission rather than maintenance.
- The rediscovery of every member ministry or the priesthood of all believers.
- To truly express what it means “to be one so that the world may believe.”
- To re-emphasise servant leadership and discernment as our model for leadership and decision making.
- To set ordained ministers free for their primary vocation of preaching, teaching and spiritual guidance.
- To these six calls have been added the Four Imperatives of Mission. Our Five Imperatives of Mission
Evangelism and Church Growth
– Inviting people to personal faith in Christ and His gospel and to belonging in the community of faith as disciples; planting new faith communities especially in informal settlements and new urban multi-cultural congregations.
– connecting to the life giving resources of faith that make for moral regeneration and becoming a holy people in the world
Justice and Service
– to promote the values of justice, unity and reconciliation and the healing of national ills, physical, environmental and social and to be Christ’s compassionate, outstretched hands to all humanity.
Human and Economic Development and Empowerment
– the care and growth of children, the plight of the poor, education, quality of life, nation building.
– every child has a right to quality, accessible education